Saturday, December 19, 2009

Treating Chilli Burn

A group of us gathered together this morning to prepare Christmas gifts for friends and this involved cutting 'chilli padi' (those small and very hot chillies).

After completing our gift project, some of us who had contact with these 'mini dynamites' began to feel very bad burning sensation in our hands.

Pal A advised soaking our burning hands in warm water (her rational being that, if drinking warm water eased the burning sensation in the tongue due to consuming chilli, it would work for our hands too) and that we did. It was pure TORTURE!!!! It was like being scalded by hot water, and the burning sensation did not subside.

Even after 11 hours, the burning sensation remained intense. I googled for help and tried a solution - soaking my hand in cold milk. What an utter relief! The pain subsided while hand was being soaked. It came back after I washed off the milk, but the burning intensity lessened and became more bearable.

I've learnt my lesson now.. I will :

  1. Wear gloves before cutting chillies or handling cut chillies.
  2. Never inflict further excruciating pain on myself by soaking my affected anatomy in warm water.
  3. Will soak my pained hand in the blessed cold milk.
I do hope that all the pain suffered today will be of worth and the Christmas gift will turn out splendidly!


  1. Hi !!! That was very interesting ! I would bear that in mind but since I am not a cook, chances would be rather slim that I will be dealing with chillies.Thanks for the tip though.

  2. Eh, I thought u'd be helping me cook the nyonya fare this Saturday... U could start by cutting the chillies! ;-)
